Try Io
Io is a low-level prototype-based language.
In a prototype language, every object is a clone of an existing object rather than a class. We will just create new objects by cloning existing ones, and the existing object is a prototype. To create an object of type Vehicle
Io> Vehicle := Object clone
==> Vehicle_0x1b5c300:
type = "Vehicle"
Here we send the clone
message to Object
then it returns a new object. And we assigned that object to Vehicle
. An object in Io is like a Python dictionary, you can assign a value to a key that does not exist, but cannot access the value of an unexisting key. The key is called slot in Io.
Io> Vehicle description := "cute"
==> cute
Io> Vehicle
==> Vehicle_0x979b40:
description = "cute"
type = "Vehicle"
Io> Vehicle slotNames
==> list(type, description)
Object model
A type is an object, not a class. By convention, types in Io begin with uppercase letters.
Io> Car := Vehicle clone
==> Car_0x89c500:
type = "Car"
Io> benz := Car clone
==> Car_0x994080:
Io> benz description
==> cute
In Io, objects are just containers of slots. Get a slot by sending its name to an object. If the slot isn’t there, Io calls the parent.
It is very interesting to create a singleton in Io. For this, you only need to redefine the clone method.
Io> Snowman := Object clone
==> Snowman_0xc8c750:
type = "Snowman"
Io> Snowman clone := Snowman
==> Snowman_0xc8c750:
clone = Snowman_0xc8c750
type = "Snowman"
Now let’s create some copies
Io> snowman_in_france := Snowman clone
==> Snowman_0xc8c750:
clone = Snowman_0xc8c750
type = "Snowman"
Io> snowman_in_china := Snowman clone
==> Snowman_0xc8c750:
clone = Snowman_0xc8c750
type = "Snowman"
Io> snowman_in_china == snowman_in_france
==> true
It is always the same snowman !
This note is from the book Seven Languages in Seven Weeks I’m reading recently.