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Basic Data Structure: Hash Table

less than 1 minute read

Hash table is a data structure used to store keys, or keys with corresponding values that supports insert, delete and lookup operations with $O(1)$ on averag...

Data Structure: Binary Search Tree

3 minute read

BST A Binary Search Tree (BST) is a binary tree in which the key stored at a node is greater than or equal to all the keys stored at the nodes of its left su...

Basic Data Structure: Heap

2 minute read

Heap Heaps are a simple data structure that supports priority queue operations like insert and extract_min. They work by maintaining the partial order on a s...

Basic Data Structure: Sequence

2 minute read

Array Array is a contiguous block of memory. For an array A, retrieving and updating A[i] takes O(1) time. Python list is implemented as dynamic array that s...

Asynchronous Python

1 minute read

The central focus of Asyncio is to perform multiple concurrent tasks that involve waiting period at the same time. The key insight for asynchronous programmi...